Comscore’s latest release of their quarterly audience metrics for The Globe and Mail and our Globe Alliance digital network, show that our platforms are continuing to deliver vital news and information, and are driving strong audience engagement.

Comscore Q1, 2021 highlights:
Globe Alliance
- Globe Alliance reaches 21 Million Canadians (64% reach of the total digital population)
- Ranked #1, nationally, in the News/Information category (based on a ranking of English sites)
- Globe Alliance leads the News/Information category in Ontario (84% reach) and BC (71% reach)
- Globe Alliance Business & Finance is #1 in the Business/Finance news category
- Globe Alliance Lifestyle & Entertainment is #2 in the Lifestyles category
- Alliance UVs are +8%. Total views +26%. Total minutes +22% vs Q1 last year
Globe Digital
- The Globe digital reaches 8.7 Million Canadians (27% reach of the total digital population)
- Ranked #5, nationally against Canadian-owned sites in General News category
- Strong growth in all news, business and finance sections vs last quarter, with YoY UV growth highlights in Real Estate (+76%), Investing (+13%) and Arts (+13%)
- Globe UVs are +17% in Jan/Feb vs the same months last year, -6% vs record-breaking audience growth in Q1, 2020 overall. Total views +3%. Total minutes are flat vs Q1 last year
Source: Comscore Media Metrix Multi-Platform, Jan-Mar 2021 (Q1) Average
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