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The Globe and Mail is the Official Cannes Lions Festival Representative in Canada

Cannes Lions
International Festival
of Creativity

Official Canadian Program Page

Daily coverage of 2022 Cannes Lions

June 20 – June 24, 2022

Fresh insights and perspectives

Our daily coverage will be headed by by Katherine Scarrow, General Manager, Globe Content Studio, and will include fresh insights and perspectives of what’s happening at Cannes Lions for the Canadian community plus highlights of notable creativity from around the world. 

On the ground in Cannes

Representing The Globe again this year, is Karen Howe, President of The Township Group and a Cannes Lions Advisory Board Member. As a former Cannes Lions Judge and an authority on the hottest trends in creativity, Karen will fully immerse herself in the live programming and networking events and will also be contributing her perspective to our daily festival coverage.

Also in Cannes representing The Globe will be Sonia Carreno, President of IAB Canada and a Cannes Lions Advisory Board Member, who’s unique perspective on the festival’s innovation and digital influence will be invaluable for the creative community here at home.


Check out our Instagram page for daily stories live from Cannes or click below to sign up for the Globe Media Group’s newsletter and receive the updates during festival

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The Globe and Mail is the official Canadian representative of Cannes Lions  — the world’s most prestigious and coveted advertising and marketing awards. Cannes Lions celebrates creativity through spotlighting best-in-class work from over 100 countries around the world. 

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Canadian Cannes Advisory Board

The Board provides strategic insights and supports the Cannes Lions agenda in the Canadian market. Comprised of leaders across media, marketing and industry, the Board champions the value of creativity and amplifies Canadian talent and work on the global stage.

Canadian Cannes Lions Jurors

To be on a Cannes Lions jury is the highest accolade in the industry. Canada’s 2022 juror nominations have been submitted and are awaiting review.


Connect & Inspire

Cannes Lions is a global hub for inspiration and while some are lucky enough to experience the Festival, we work to bring relevant insights back to Canada.

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Young Lions Competition

For advertising and marketing professionals ages 30 and under, Young Lions is the official qualifying competition in Canada to compete in the global competitions at Cannes Lions. Registration for the 2022 competition begins on January 7, 2022.

Canadian Program Partners

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Cannes Dev

351 King Street East, Suite 1600
Toronto, M5A 0N1 

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