For Newfoundland Tourism’s second campaign with the Globe Content Studio, we explored a new way to tell their story that adds a real sense of excitement to the sensory aspects – layering audio to create a deeply immersive experience.
While we’ve seen huge interest and growth in Podcast creation, brands can’t always commit to these larger-scale projects. For this project, we added the impact of audio with an approach that was easier to produce. Our team created an audio storytelling companion to custom content featuring Newfoundland’s icebergs, layering ambient sounds of the water and wind, as well as audio from the tour with Bob “Skipper Bob” Bartlett, an iceberg tour operator.

The audio enhances the engaging visuals, interactivity and text, interspersed with ads to take readers to Tourism Newfoundland’s Iceberg Finder. In addition to the digital advertising, the content is being promoted through organic and boosted social, until the end of summer.
Explore the Newfoundland Tourism feature.
For more information about the project, read the Media in Canada article (requires subscription).
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