The Globe is continually exploring innovative ways that technology can help audiences connect with our award-winning journalism. Today, we have launched a new audio feature that offers a new way to engage with our articles. Readers can now listen to most of our content whenever or wherever they want. Whether they’re on the daily commute or cooking dinner, readers can hit play and instantly listen to articles read to them in English, French and Mandarin.
Built with the help of the Amazon Web Services team and their Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning services, we are the first in Canada to use Amazon Polly Newscaster, an innovative text-to-speech service with real-time translation.
Included with these new features are a new bookmarking functionality, enabling people to make audio playlists from saved stories.
For more information, and to try the audio experience for yourself, explore The Globe’s website.
- Create a free account to log in to
- Select an article
- Look for the listen icon to use the audio feature
- Select voice type, language and press play
- Save articles by clicking on the bookmarking icon to create your own playlist