With the media world increasingly fragmenting into endless sources of information, it’s an ongoing challenge for marketers to select the right environments for their advertising campaigns. The exponential growth of programmatic networks, blogs, social platforms and news providers now offers seemingly infinite ways to deliver your campaign on a mass level and at low cost.
But, is there a downside for allowing your brand to appear just anywhere?
With research conducted by Rogers Insights in partnership with the Canadian Marketing Association and Marketing magazine, Context Matters is a new research study that’s designed to understand, discuss and display the importance of a premium media environment for advertising. Part one of the study tackles consumer insights with part two, a marketers’ study and full research release, available in September 2016.
Here’s a snapshot of the findings from the Context Matters Consumer Study.
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What defines a premium media brand?

They are a trusted source of information
Respondents were asked to select the characteristics that they believe make for a prestigious type of website. 79% of respondents selected ‘trusted source for information’ as the top characteristic, followed closely by ‘well designed’ (76%). Surprisingly, only 1% of respondents indicated that less advertising and lack of clutter made for a prestigious web experience.
Websites of major daily newspapers are seen as most prestigious
From a list of website categories, respondents were asked to rank the top 3 types in terms of prestige. Websites of major daily newspapers are clearly ranked #1 as “most prestigious” (43%) far outdistancing the runner up (websites of major national magazines at 11%). This order is also reflected when taking into consideration the respondent’s top 3 choices.
For people with HHI over $100k as well as the highest educated segment (university degree/graduate or professional degree), daily newspapers are ranked #1 by 47% of respondents.
MOPES are also as likely as others to rate daily newspapers as prestigious.
Original content drives prestige of websites:
Of the sites ranked top 3, all are considered original sources of content: websites of major daily newspapers, a major national magazine or an original online news organization.
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The Halo Effect
Premium websites contribute to a positive lift in opinion for brands
All brands, across three tested industry categories (automotive, financial, and travel) see a positive lift in opinion if they advertise on what the respondent considers their most prestigious type of website:
- Discount and full-service airlines both saw opinion bumps at +33% and +28% respectively
- Banks and financial services, +26% more positive
- Non-luxury automotive, +25% more positive, and luxury automotive, +19% more positive
The negative impact of a less prestigious site is considerably stronger than the positive impact of a more prestigious site
When it comes to advertising on prestigious vs. non-prestigious sites, the impact on opinion is not built equally. Not only are advertisers seen less favourably, but they also lose out on the positive halo effect that comes from a premium web environment. The consequences are most severe for banks and financial institutions, as well as luxury automotive brands:
- Discount and full-service airlines saw a negative impact of 26% and 32% respectively
- Banks and financial services, 38% less positive
- Non-luxury automotive, 28% less positive, and luxury automotive, 38% less positive
The study found the negative impact is even greater for those in the highest income households ($150k+) and
those with the highest levels of education.
Which sites are most appropriate?
In general, websites of daily newspapers are deemed the most appropriate environments for advertisers. Gaming websites are generally seen as the least appropriate type of site to advertise on.
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Learn More
Grab a copy of Marketing‘s Summer 2016 issue, visit Marketing‘s online resource hub to read the full infographic and read their recent articles:
Premium Media requires a different kind of creative Quantifying the prestige of premium mediaNewspaper sites have high value for high value shoppers
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About the study
Rogers Insights conducted an online poll of 4,003 Canadian consumers, 18 years and older, in April and May of 2016 for the consumer study. An online poll of 265 participants in June and July of 2016 was done for the marketer study, 108 of which were C-Suite or VP decision makers, with 49% from agencies and 51% from brands.
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